Live Proving
Live Proving
Before going live with your API integrations we should first verify if everything is done according to our specification and good practices - to ensure that customers will get the best experience from the API. This checklist is also useful when making any changes to your connection or any other activities that could have some impact. If there are relevant issues with any of the topics mentioned below and it causes problems to our API we might be forced to not allow you to go Live or suspend your existing connection.
Polling and request frequency - You should execute API requests with reasonable frequency - as often as needed for your solution, but not overflow the API with requests that have no actual value. Typical issues:
constant polling of messages with GET /messages/next service
trying to use several threads at once and getting the same first message multiple times
Syntax and integrity - Please make sure that all requests contain relevant parameters in proper formats. Typical issues:
encoding issues
using incorrect or not existing account numbers in your requests
leading and trailing spaces or incorrect symbols in different parameters like names, addresses etc.
Account statements and periods - You should execute Account Statements for relevant time periods and frequency. You shouldn't request Account Statements for longer periods too often or when you have already requested the data that does not change anymore. Typical issues:
asking for full day or even several days statements when actually needing the latest transactions from last 10 minutes or other small period
Error processing - You should have adequate error processing in place. Make sure that your system is able to read the possible error codes and explanations and react on these. Typical issues:
not reading your HTTP response codes
not reading the payments service RJCT statuses and explanations
Testing activities in Live
To preserve the integrity of data in the production environment, all testing activities (aka penny testing) need to be done with actual and KYC'd individuals. This applies most importantly to Payments and VIBAN services. Meaning no dummy data should be used when execution payments, opening VIBAN accounts and relevant KYC documentation has to be on file as per your internal procedures.
Last updated
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