pain.001.001.09 format
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LHV is using custom version of pain.001.001.09.xsd
XML rules
Multiplicity (MULT.) Informs how many times an element can or must be used, as defined by ISO standard.
1..1 One occurrence (required)
1..n One or several occurrences (value for βnβ represents total number of occurrences)
1..3 Minimum one occurrence must be used and maximum 3 occurrences can be used. Note: True value of βnβ represents unlimited number of occurrences.
0..1 None or one occurrence to be used (optional)
0..n None or several occurrences can be used (value for βnβ represents total number of occurrences). Note: True value of βnβ represents unlimited number of occurrences.
Message structure
Group Header β mandatory, occurs once. Payment Information β mandatory and repetitive. Contains information related to mostly the debit side of the payment. Credit Transfer Transaction Information β mandatory and repetitive. Contains information related to the payment(s) included in the message.
Message root
Group header
Number of payments in all Payment Information blocks included in this message. If this number is not correct, the file upload will be cancelled.
Control sum of all individual amounts for all Payment Information blocks included in this message, irrespective of currencies. If this number is not correct, the file upload will be cancelled.
Party initiating the payment to an agent
Initiating party name.
Initiating party BIC code.
LEI code. Not supported, values ignored
Other identifier. Not supported, values ignored
Not supported
Initiating party country of residence
Financial institution that receives the instruction from the initiating party and forwards it to the next agent in the payment chain for execution.
Forwarding agent BIC code.
LEI code. Not supported, values ignored
Other identifier. Not supported, values ignored
Forwarding agent name.
Payment information
Uniquely identifies the payment information group within this message.
Only the value TRF (credit transfer) is allowed here. If any other value is entered, it will be ignored.
Not used.
Number of payment included in the current Payment Information block. If this number is not correct, the file upload will be cancelled.
Control sum of all individual amounts in the current Payment Information block, irrespective of currencies. If this number is not correct, the file upload will be cancelled.
++Requested Execution Date
Date on which the debtorβs account is debited.
Party from whose account the amount of payment is to be debited. If a different partyβs information is entered, it will be ignored.
Debtorβs name. For Virtual IBAN or indirect agent - the holder name (not the master account owner). Debtor name is mandatory if payment is initiated from indirect agent's existing accounts.
For Virtual IBAN - do not use
Debtor BIC code.
Debtor LEI code.
Other identifier.
Organisationβs identification code.
Debtorβs birth date.
Debtorβs city of birth.
Debtorβs birth country ISO code.
Debtorβs identification code.
Debtorβs account. Can be client account where payment amount is debited, Virtual IBAN, or Indirect Agency account (both LHV and client generated accounts).
Debtorβs IBAN or Virtual IBAN.
Debtor's non-IBAN account number (for example, UK account number).
Account number.
Not required to be filled in. The payment will be made in the currency of the payment amount. If there are not enough funds available on the account, a relevant error message will appear.
Debtorβs bank information. Not supported and ignored
Used for SEPA payments or Faster Payments Payments Originated Overseas (FPSPOO). Third party acting as the actual owner of the funds or initiating the payment. If ultimate debtor information is filled in at the Payment Information level, it will apply to all payments included in this block. Usage rule: Only to be used if different from the debtor.
Ultimate debtorβs name.
Ultimate debtor's BIC code. BIC is mandatory in case of FPSPOO - must be owned by the institution which provides the account to the Ultimate debtor and must be a non GB BIC
Organisation LEI code.
Other identifier.
Organisationβs identification code. Mandatory in case of FPSPOO - referring to Ultimate debtorβs account number and can be in IBAN or in other format.
Ultimate debtorβs birth date.
Ultimate debtorβs province of birth.
Ultimate debtorβs city of birth.
Ultimate debtorβs birth country ISO code.
Ultimate debtorβs identification code.
Ultimate debtorβs country of residence.
LHV does not support charge debiting from other than debtorβs account.
This block contains a set of elements providing information on the payment(s) included in the message.
Unique identification, as assigned by an instructing party for an instructed party, to unambiguously identify the instruction.
Unique identification assigned by the initiating party to unumbiguously identify the transaction.
Set of elements used to specify the type of payment.
Agreement of rules according to which the payment must be processed. Pre-agreed customer-to-bank conditions apply.
Specifies a pre-agreed service or level of service between the parties, as a proprietary code. Allowed values: INST, SEPA, FAST, ALL - equals as uploaded without interface type. Other values return validation error.
Payment amount and the currency ordered by the initiating party. All currencies accepted by the bank for payment services are allowed. If there are not enough funds available on the account in a given currency, a relevant error message will appear.
Not used.
Third party acting as the actual owner of the funds or initiating the payment. If ultimate debtor information is filled in at the Payment Information level, it will apply to all payments included in this block. Usage rule: Only to be used if different from the debtor. Transferred to the respective payment scheme only in cases of SEPA Payments, SEPA Instant Payments or Faster Payments whose payer's payment service provider is not located in the United Kingdom (Payments Originated Overseas -FPSPOO).
Ultimate debtorβs name. Mandatory in case of FPSPOO.
Ultimate debtor's BIC code. BIC is mandatory in case of FPSPOO - must be owned by the institution which provides the account to the Ultimate debtor and must be a non GB BIC
Organisation LEI code.
Organisationβs identification code. Mandatory in case of FPSPOO - referring to Ultimate debtorβs account number and can be in IBAN or in other format.
Ultimate debtorβs birth date.
Ultimate debtorβs city of birth.
Ultimate debtorβs birth country ISO code.
Ultimate debtorβs identification code.
Ultimate debtorβs country of residence.
Ignored. Information about the creditorβs bankβs correspondent bank.
Creditor agentβs information is required for SWIFT payments.
Creditorβs bankβs BIC.
LEI code. Not supported, values ignored
Other identifier. Not supported, values ignored
For the clearing systemβs identification code see the External Code Sets spreadsheet on the ISO website. Use GBDSC when using UK sort code and domestic account nr separately.
Creditorβs bank identification in a clearing system. Use UK sort code when using UK sort code and domestic account nr separately.
Creditor's bank name. Usage rule: The name is limited to 70 characters in length. Used when the BIC or the clearing systemβs member identification is not known to the initiating party.
Creditorβs bank account at its correspondent bank. Not supported, values ignored.
Creditorβs information.
Creditorβs name.
Creditorβs identification.
Creditor's BIC code.
Organisation LEI code.
Other identifier.
Organisationβs identification code.
Creditorβs birth date.
Creditorβs city of birth.
Creditorβs birth country ISO code.
Creditorβs identification.
Creditorβs account.
Creditorβs IBAN. Omit for Faster Payments when using UK domestic account nr.
Creditorβs account number. Use for domestic UK account nr - separate from sort code (8 char) or concatenated (14 char)
Use BBAN when using concatenated UK domestic accountr nr (14 characters), omit when using UK account nr and UK sort code separately.
SEPA specific information. Ultimate creditor is the ultimate creditor of the payment.
Ultimate creditorβs name.
Ultimate creditor's BIC code.
Organisation LEI code.
Other identifier.
Ultimate creditorβs organisation identification.
Ultimate creditorβs birth date.
Ultimate creditorβs city of birth.
Ultimate creditorβs birth country ISO code.
Ultimate creditorβs identification.
SEPA specific information. Reason for the payment.
Information about the declaration of payments. Not supported, values ignored.
Payment description is entered here. The bank will deliver only the first 140 characters of the remittance information.
Only the value SCOR is allowed here. If any other value is entered, it will be ignored.
Payment reference number is entered here. Estonia: If DebtorΒ΄s bank locates in Estonia then reference number must comply with Estonian reference standard or Creditor reference UK: Mandatory for FPS - text value up to 18 symbols long.
+++Supplementary Data
++++Place and Name
Field ignored
++++Data Envelope
++++++Party Data
Additional data block
+++++++Party Code
Defines which party this data is related to. Possible values: DEBTOR, CREDITOR, ULTIMATE_DEBTOR, ULTIMATE_CREDITOR
+++++++Data Key
Additional data element being sent. Possible values: DATE_OF_BIRTH, MCC, PSP_SCENARIO.
+++++++Data Value
Additional data element value
Common address structure is used throughout the payment initiation message. If PostalAddress is used then minimum Country and Town Name must be present. Some additional requirements apply:
Debtor address - For Virtual IBAN or agency banking account - the holder country
Ultimate debtor address - In case of FPSPOO and address line is filled, country must be filled
Ultimate debtor address - In case of FPSPOO and town name is filled, then country must be filled.
If creditorΒ΄s bank locates outside EEA address information is mandatory from 23.11.2024. The rule applies to all parties (debtor, ultimate debtor, creditor etc).
If creditorΒ΄s bank locates in EEA but the currency is not official currency in any EEA country (for example USD) - address information is mandatory from 23.11.2024. The rule applies to all parties (debtor, ultimate debtor, creditor etc).
If payment is processed as TARGET2 (See - address information is mandatory from 01.03.2024. The rule applies to all parties (debtor, ultimate debtor, creditor etc).
Sub-department name
Street name
Building number
Building name
Floor number
Post box
Room name
Postal code
Town name
Town location name
District name
Country sub-division
ISO 2 letter country code
Address line
Additional data can be added to the payment using SplmtryData element. Supplementary data block is encapsulated in XSD envelope (field Envlp) which may contain any additional structure of data.
LHV uses additional structure defined in supl.001.001.01.xsd. For proper XML validation the schema reference should be provided in pain.001.001.09 XML message header. For example:
Supplementary data includes additional data elements defined in 3 fields.
party - party that given data element is related to (e.g. CREDITOR, DEBTOR)
key - data element key (see below for supported values)
value - value for given data element (e.g. 1986-02-05)
Supllementary data key's:
yyyy-mm-dd (date)
Must be filled for if there is no information about the party's city of birth or country and therefore it is not possible to add complete data under the message element date and place of birth (DateAndPlaceOfBirth).
nnnn (4 digit number)
MCC code is used to classify a business by the types of goods or services it provides. ISO 18245 is an ISO standard concerning the assignment of Merchant Category Codes (MCC) in retail financial services. Allowed values: List of Merchant Category Codes (
Fixed value: "COMBINED_PAYMENT" - Two or more payments are combined into a single payment.
pain.001 supplementary data example:
Unique message id created by PSP. Idempotency check enabled by LHV. See for idempotency details.
See .
See .
Payment priority information. The value here applies to all payments included in the current Payment Information block. See the supported values in .
See the supported values in .
See . If payment is initiated with indirect agent's existing accounts, following rule applies: (Town Name and Country) or (Country and Address Line) are required.
See the supported values in .
See the supported values in .
See . Ultimate debtor's postal address. In case of FPSPOO, either ultimate debtor town name and country, or country and address line is mandatory.
See the supported values in
See the supported values in .
See the supported values in .
Unique End-to-end Transaction Reference in UUIDv4 format.
Payment priority information. The value here applies to the payment included in the current Credit Transfer Transaction Information block. See the supported values in .
See the supported values in .
See the supported values in .
See Ultimate debtor's postal address. In case of FPSPOO, either ultimate debtor town name and country, or country and address line is mandatory.
See the supported values in .
See the supported values in .
See the supported values in .
See the supported values in .
See the supported values in .
See the supported values in .
Used for referencing return payment for FPS or SEPA (Inst). Format: 'RTRN:00000002:12345678' where RTRN is code for return; 00000002 is ; 12345678 is Account Servicer Reference of original incoming payment to be returned.
See the supported codes in .
Used to enter the payment description (unstructured) and the reference number (structured). It is mandatory to provide one or the other. Estonia: Unstructured or structured remittance information is mandatory. If DebtorΒ΄s bank locates in Estonia both can be present. If both structured and unstructured information are filled in, only 140 characters of combined length is accepted. UK: Structured remittance information is mandatory for FPS. Reference number (structured) must comply with or
See details in .