Direct Debit Reversal Notification
The ISO 20022 Customer Payment Reversal is sent to the customer by LHV to notify reversal of previously received Direct Debit Collection.
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The ISO 20022 Customer Payment Reversal is sent to the customer by LHV to notify reversal of previously received Direct Debit Collection.
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LHV is currently supporting standard version of pain.007.001.11.xsd.
Message root
<Document> <CstmrPmtRvsl>
Mandatory. Customer Payment Reversal V11
Mandatory. Group Header
Mandatory. Original Group Information
Original Payment Information And Reversal Information concerning the original payment information, to which the reversal message refers.
Not used. Additional information that cannot be captured in the structured elements and/or any other specific block.
Mandatory, occurs once.
βMandatory. Message identification.
Mandatory. Date and time at which the message was created.
Not used.
Mandatory. Number of individual transactions contained in the message.
Total of all individual amounts included in the message.
Indicates whether the reversal applies to the whole group of transactions or to individual transactions within the original group.
Not used.
Not used.
Not used.
Not used.
Mandatory, occurs once. Information concerning the original group of transactions, to which the message refers.
Mandatory. Point to point reference, as assigned by the original instructing party, to unambiguously identify the original message. GrpHdr.MsgId from original pain.008
Mandatory. Specifies the original message name identifier to which the message refers. βpain.008.001.11β
Date and time at which the original message was created.
Provides detailed information on the reversal reason.
Not used.
Specifies the reason for the reversal.
Not used.
Further details on the reversal reason. Bacs scheme code description.
Information concerning the original payment information, to which the reversal message refers.
Unique identification, as assigned by an instructing party for an instructed party, to unambiguously identify the reversed payment information group.
Mandatory. Unique identification, as assigned by the original sending party, to unambiguously identify the original payment information group. PmtInf.PmtInfId from original pain.008.
Number of individual transactions contained in the original payment information group. PmtInf.NbOfTxs from original pain.008
Total of all individual amounts included in the original payment information group. CtrlSum.NbOfTxs from original pain.008
Not used.
Not used.
Provides detailed information on the reversal reason.
Not used.
Specifies the reason for the reversal.
Not used.
Further details on the reversal reason. Bacs scheme code description.
Not used.
Reason for the reversal, as published in an Bacs scheme code
Reason for the reversal, as published in an Bacs scheme code