Messages Metadata
Connect Messages includes a metadata capability that enhances the efficiency of message processing for customers. When enabled, this feature embeds key variables related to the message content.
Metadata fields are shared both by Messages Services services and Webhook Metadata
Currently we are supporting Metadata fields on Get list of messages V2 service and only for LHV UK.
Metadata in Connect Messages and Webhooks provides a streamlined way to surface key pieces of information directly in the message structure. These values, such as account numbers, transaction references, and other identifiers, are extracted from larger XML or JSON message bodies and made readily accessible in the API response or webhook payload.
The purpose of including metadata is to enhance the usability and efficiency of the API by giving customers direct access to critical information without the need to parse complex and often sizable message payloads. This approach addresses customer feedback and is designed to make the API more intuitive, faster, and easier to integrate with.
Use Cases for Metadata
Routing and Linking: Metadata enables quick routing of messages in customer systems. For instance, an IBAN can be used to associate messages with specific accounts, while the account service reference (
) provides a unique transaction identifier for reconciliation.Event Triggering: Webhook consumers can trigger business workflows based on metadata fields without needing to inspect the entire message content.
List of Services and related Metadata fields
List of fields
Account Balance
Reports (several blocks per currency)
Acct.IBAN: BkToCstmrAcctRpt.Rpt.Acct.Id.IBAN (Account IBAN)
Acct.Ccy: BkToCstmrStmt.Stmt.Acct.Ccy (Account currency)
Account Statement
Statements (several blocks per currency)
Acct.IBAN: BkToCstmrStmt.Stmt.Acct.Id.IBAN (Account IBAN)
Acct.Ccy: BkToCstmrStmt.Stmt.Acct.Ccy (Account currency)
TtlCdtNtries.NbOfNtries: BkToCstmrStmt.Stmt.TtlCdtNtries.NbOfNtries (Total number of credit entries)
TtlDbtNtries.NbOfNtries: BkToCstmrStmt.Stmt.TtlDbtNtries.NbOfNtries (Total number of debit entries)
Transaction Notification
Only one transaction:
Acct.IBAN: BkToCstmrDbtCdtNtfctn.Ntfctn.Acct.Id.IBAN (Transaction account)
AcctSvcrRef: BkToCstmrDbtCdtNtfctn.Ntfctn.Ntry.AcctSvcrRef (Transaction account services reference)
CdtDbtInd: BkToCstmrDbtCdtNtfctn.Ntfctn.Ntry.CdtDbtInd (Credit or debit indicator)
DbtrAcct.IBAN: BkToCstmrDbtCdtNtfctn.Ntfctn.Ntry.NtryDtls.RltdPties.DbtrAcct.Id.IBAN (Debtor account IBAN or BBAN)
or DbtrAcct.Id: BkToCstmrDbtCdtNtfctn.Ntfctn.Ntry.NtryDtls.RltdPties.DbtrAcct.Id.Othr.Id
CdtrAcct.IBAN: BkToCstmrDbtCdtNtfctn.Ntfctn.Ntry.NtryDtls.RltdPties.CdtrAcct.Id.IBAN (Creditor account IBAN or BBAN)
or CdtrAcct.Id: BkToCstmrDbtCdtNtfctn.Ntfctn.Ntry.NtryDtls.RltdPties.CdtrAcct.Id.Othr.Id
Payment Initiation
(Group status, general status of all payments)OrgnlMsgId: CstmrPmtStsRpt.OrgnlGrpInfAndSts.OrgnlMsgId (Original PAIN.001 message ID)
Payments (can be many):
DebtorAcct.IBAN: CstmrPmtStsRpt.OrgnlPmtInfAndSts.OrgnlDbtrAcct.Id.IBAN (Debtor account IBAN or BBAN)
CreditorAcct.IBAN: CstmrPmtStsRpt.OrgnlPmtInfAndSts.TxInfAndSts.CdtrAcct.Id.IBAN (Creditor account IBAN or BBAN)
TxSts: CstmrPmtStsRpt.OrgnlPmtInfAndSts.TxInfAndSts.TxSts (Transaction status)
AcctSvcrRef: CstmrPmtStsRpt.OrgnlPmtInfAndSts.TxInfAndSts.AcctSvcrRef (Account servicer reference)
VIBAN Services
(custom XML)
MasterAccount: <MessageType>Response.MasterAccount
VirtualIBAN: <MessageType>Response.VirtualIBAN
ClientReference: <MessageType>Response.ClientReference
Status: <MessageType>Response.Status
CoP Requester
(custom JSon)
OriginalMessageId: OriginalMessageId
ReasonCode: Data.ReasonCode
Description: Data.Description
Agency Account Synchronization
(custom XML or JSon)
AccountNo: Accounts.Data.Identification
Status: Accounts.Data.Status
Last updated
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