Private Person Identification Codes
ARNU | Number assigned by a social security agency to identify a non-resident person. |
CCPT | Number assigned by an authority to identify the passport number of a person. |
CUST | Number assigned by an issuer to identify a customer. |
DRLC | Number assigned by an authority to identify a driver's license. |
EMPL | Number assigned by a registration authority to an employee. |
NIDN | Number assigned by an authority to identify the national identity number of a person. |
SOSE | Number assigned by an authority to identify the social security number of a person. |
TXID | Number assigned by a tax authority to identify a person. |
TELE | Number assigned by a telephone or mobile phone operator to identify a person. A person may have multiple phone numbers. |
POID | Commercial identification of the person. |
Last updated