πŸ“ΊNews and Updates

News and Updates to our API services and content

2024.08.22 - New updated chapter about idempotency in Payments service!

Payments Service Idempotency

2024.08.19 - Webhooks service is now available for customer testing!


PS! There are still minor updates done to the service and full production use is not recommended.

2024.07.29 - Published first version of Webhooks documentation - Webhooks. Service is currently in pilot testing phase and available for wide use in a few weeks!

2024.06.27 - Added descriptions for Messages V2 services. These are newer advanced services currently supporting only LHV UK messages:

2024.05.29 - New documentation portal at https://docs.lhv.com/connect is officially live! All old and new customers of LHV UK (LHV Bank Limited) should use this by default as their main source for integrating with our services.

LHV EE documentation at https://partners.lhv.ee/en/connect is still available, but UK related specifics shall be gradually removed.

2024.04.09 - First version of our new API specification. Still work in progress and until further notice please use existing documentation portal at https://partners.lhv.ee/en/connect

Last updated