
LHV Connect provides both a Live and a dedicated Prelive testing environment. Like the Live environment, Prelive features distinct connection certificates, payment accounts, and grants access to all or most of the same services and features.

Live Environment

The Live environment's base URLs are as follows:

  • LHV UK: https://connect.lhv.com/

  • LHV Estonia: https://connect.lhv.eu/

Prelive Environment

The Sandbox test environment is freely accessible for testing purposes. It can be utilized to test your integrations during the onboarding process or for any subsequent developments. Technically, it is very similar to the Live environment, with identical services, message structures, etc.

  • LHV UK: https://connect.prelive.lhv.com/

  • LHV Estonia: https://connect.prelive.lhv.eu/

This structure allows you to seamlessly transition from testing to production, ensuring that your integrations are fully functional and reliable before going live.

Last updated