
Collections of samples for different payment options

CaseNotes and samples

Internal payment

Internal payment from one LHV account to another.

- Payment response 1 - ACSP status

- Payment response 2 - ACSC status

- Debit Credit Notification - outgoing payment

- Debit Credit Notification - incoming payment

Bulk payment

Multiple payments in one file - three payments in one PmtInf block. Different payment schemes.

- Payment response 1 - group status for all included payments

- Payment response 2 - additional updates

- Debit Credit Notification - one of the payments

- Debit Credit Notification - one of the payments

FPS payment (IBAN)

UK FPS payment. Creditor account number format is IBAN.

- Payment response 1 - ACSP status

- Payment response 2 - ACSC status

FPS payment (UK sort code + account)

UK FPS payment. Creditor account number format is UK sort code and account nr on separate fields.

- Payment response 1 - ACSP status

- Payment response 2 - ACSC status

FPS payment (UK account concatenated)

UK FPS payment. Creditor account number format is UK sort code + account nr concatenated.

- Payment response 1 - ACSP status

- Payment response 2 - ACSC status

FPSPOO payment

Payments Originated Overseas in UK Faster Payments scheme.

- Payment response 1 - ACSP status

- Payment response 2 - ACSC status

VIBAN payment - SEPA Instant

Payment from Virtual Account (VIBAN) to external account in SEPA scheme.

- Payment response 1 - ACSP status

- Payment response 2 - ACSC status

Manual review

Payment is in manual review - PDNG status due to sanctions screening match.

- Payment response 1 - ACSP status

- Payment response 2 - PDNG status

PSP Payment use cases

Different use cases for Payment Service Provider payments and details of party relationships.

Use case 1: PSP’s Payment

PSP initiates his own payments from his own account opened with LHV. More details in PDF

- Payment response 1 - ACSP status

- Payment response 2 - ACSC status

Use case 2: PSP’s Client Payment

PSP1 initiates the payments of the end customer (PSP1’s client). More details in PDF

- Payment response 1 - ACSP status

- Payment response 2 - ACSC status

Use case 3: Level2 PSP Client Payment

PSP2 initiates the payments of the end customer (PSP2’s clients) via PSP1. In this case there is another Payment Service Provider (PSP2) between the PSP1 and the end customer (PSP2’s client). More details in PDF

- Payment response 1 - ACSP status

- Payment response 2 - ACSC status

Use case 4: VIBAN Payment

PSP1 initiates the payments of the VIBAN owners (PSP1’s clients). VIBAN must be in an active status to initiate the payment. More details in PDF

- Payment response 1 - ACSP status

- Payment response 2 - ACSC status

Use case 5: Level2 VIBAN Payment

PSP2 initiates the payments of VIBAN owners (PSP2’s clients) via PSP1. VIBAN must be in an active status to initiate the payment. More details in PDF

- Payment response 1 - ACSP status

- Payment response 2 - ACSC status

Use case 6: Level2 VIBAN Payment plus Ultimate Debtor

PSP2 initiates the payments of the end customer (PSP2's client) via VIBAN that belongs to the PSP2. More details in PDF

- Payment response 1 - ACSP status

- Payment response 2 - ACSC status

Use case 7: Indirect Scheme Participant Client Payment

Indirect Scheme Participant (PSP1) initiates the payments of the end customer (PSP1’s client). More details in PDF

- Payment response 1 - ACSP status

- Payment response 2 - ACSC status

Use case 8: Level2 Indirect Scheme Participant Client Payment

Indirect Scheme Member (PSP1) mediates the payments of the end customers (PSP2’s clients). More details in PDF

- Payment response 1 - ACSP status

- Payment response 2 - ACSC status

Use case 9: Payment Collection via Direct Debit by PSP

PSP initiates Direct Debit to collect payments to its own account opened with LHV. More details in PDF

Use case 10: Payment Collection via Direct Debit on behalf of PSP's client

PSP initiates Direct Debit to collect payments on behalf of its clients to the account opened with PSP. More details in PDF

Use case 11: Indirect Scheme Participant Payment Collection via Direct Debit

Indirect Scheme Member (PSP1) initiates the Direct Debit to collect payments on behalf of the end customer (PSP1’s client). More details in PDF

Use case 12: Level 2 Indirect Scheme Participant Payment Collection via Direct Debit

Indirect Scheme Member (PSP1) mediates the Direct Debit to collect payments on behalf of the end customer (PSP2’s client). More details in PDF

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