LHV UK and Estonia integrations

Describing the integrations and details related to LHV UK and LHV Estonia services

LHV UK migration and details

Since 2023.08.22 (August 22, referred as Migration Date) all business operations and services related to UK Payment Accounts (customer accounts where IBAN starts with GB...) are migrated from LHV Pank to LHV Bank Limited.

This means that from mentioned date LHV services are provided by two different banks and legal entities:

  • LHV Pank AS (LHV EE) - Estonian payment accounts and related services

  • LHV Bank Limited (LHV UK) - UK payment accounts and related services

These activities triggered also some important changes to Connect API and integrations.

Key elements and changes:

  • Connect API host url for LHV UK is https://connect.lhv.com

  • All customers using UK accounts and services should use the mentioned new host

  • From Migration Date current LHV EE host https://connect.lhv.eu stopped providing access to UK accounts or any related services

  • Connect UK host will also provide access to LHV EE services

  • Connect UK host uses existing customer authentication certificates until further notice

  • API structure, services, authentication logic and message formats could be changing since the migration and we do out best to introduce these without disrupting your business.

Connect UK host and access to LHV EE services

As mentioned LHV UK host provides access to both LHV UK and LHV EE services before and after Migration Date. For any customers moving their integration from EE to UK API it means that some changes could be needed.

List of required core changes:

Changes to API services

As mentioned above any changes to API services are expected to be minimal and non-breaking. There are still some changes that you should review and evaluate if these could have any impact on your integrations. It can depend on:

  • if your integration is even using the mentioned services or fields

  • components, libraries and business logic is your integration using when processing these

Listing the changes:

Additional HTTP headers

  • All API services shall include additional HTTP response header X-Bank-Code. You can use this to understand which LHV Bank entity is actually responding for any request. Possible values are:

    • LHVEE - default for all services before Migration date and for EE accounts services from the Migration date

    • LHVUK - for UK accounts services from the Migration date

Localization and time formats

As from Migration date we are actually providing the services from two different entities we also provide the datetime timezone offset information where applicable.

  • Today by default all messages are using local EE time zone GMT+2 or GMT+3 for Daylight saving time.

  • From Migration date you will start seeing also UK time zone GMT+0 or GMT+1 for Daylight saving time for API requests on UK accounts.

Common format for UK datetime values shall be following:

# offset can change from +00:00 to 01:00 depending on Standard or Summer Daylight Saving Time
# second fractions precision is 3 decimals or milliseconds

For example:

Details and samples of time formats are described below under services.

Heartbeat service

  • GET /heartbeat service TimeStamp value will include the current datetime value with timezone offset specific for LHV EE or UK:

-- From UK Host
# Before Migration date by default from LHV EE

# After Migration date by default from LHV UK

-- From EE Host
# Timestamp is already today with offset

Messages service

  • GET /messages service messageCreatedTime value will include the current datetime value with timezone offset specific for LHV EE or UK:

-- from UK Host
# Before Migration date all messages are processed by LHV EE
# After Migration date UK accounts related messages are processed by LHV UK
# All messages include offest information
            "messageResponseId": "RESd99662d537fa47ff878093b7e6f7bd41",
            "messageRequestId": "REQ85be92ff2b774675b778ffbb13678328",
            "messageResponseType": "ACCOUNT_BALANCE",
            "messageCreatedTime": "2023-09-02T13:48:45.533+03:00",
            "bankCode": "LHVEE"

            "messageResponseId": "RESd99662d537fa47ff878093b7e6f7bd42",
            "messageRequestId": "REQ85be92ff2b774675b778ffbb13678329",
            "messageResponseType": "ACCOUNT_BALANCE",
            "messageCreatedTime": "2023-09-02T11:48:45.533+01:00"
            "bankCode": "LHVUK"

-- from EE Host
# Format is not changed for the time being and there is no offset information. All datetimes are in EE time zone.

            "messageResponseId": "RES02a9d219189a423582035fc3748ab175",
            "messageResponseType": "CREDIT_DEBIT_NOTIFICATION",
            "messageCreatedTime": "2023-08-09 11:42:56:873"

Payments Initiation

No general technical changes are made to the formats of Payment Initiation messages. There are some limitations coming up related to Migration activities.

Time formats

-- Responses from UK Host
# Before Migration date all messages are processed by LHV EE
# After Migration date UK accounts related messages are processed by LHV UK
# Both LHV UK and LHV EE messages will include offest information

-- EE Responses
<Document xmlns="urn:iso:std:iso:20022:tech:xsd:pain.002.001.03">

-- UK Responses
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<Document xmlns="urn:iso:std:iso:20022:tech:xsd:pain.002.001.03">

-- Responses from EE Host
# Payment response already include offset information

<Document xmlns="urn:iso:std:iso:20022:tech:xsd:pain.002.001.03">

Submitting both EE and UK account payments in a single file

Before Migration it was possible to submit payments both from EE and UK accounts in a single PAIN.001 XML file - in different blocks. From Migration Date it is not technically possible:

  • Payment file shall be processed based on the firstblock and payment account.

  • If the firstblock contains EE accounts these shall be processed, but any UK account payments shall be rejected.

  • If the firstblock contains UK accounts these shall be processed, but any EE account payments shall be rejected.

  • Customers should ensure that EE and UK account payments are submitted in separate requests.

Account Statements

Time formats

-- Responses from UK Host
# Before Migration date all messages are processed by LHV EE
# After Migration date UK accounts related messages are processed by LHV UK
# Only LHV UK messages will include offest information

-- LHV EE Responses - format does not change with Migration

<Document ... camt.053.001.02.xsd">

-- LHV UK Responses - offset will be included

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<Document ... camt.053.001.02.xsd">

-- Responses from EE Host - Response do not include offset information

<Document ... camt.053.001.02.xsd">

Debit-Credit Notifications

Time formats

-- Responses from UK Host
# Before Migration date all messages are processed by LHV EE
# After Migration date UK accounts related messages are processed by LHV UK
# Only LHV UK messages will include offest information

-- LHV EE Responses - format does not change with Migration

<Document ... camt.054.001.02.xsd">

-- LHV UK Responses - offset will be included

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<Document ... camt.054.001.02.xsd">

-- Responses from EE Host
# Response do not include offset information

<Document ... camt.054.001.02.xsd">

Account balance

Time formats

-- Responses from UK Host
# Before Migration date all messages are processed by LHV EE
# After Migration date UK accounts related messages are processed by LHV UK
# Only LHV UK messages will include offest information

-- LHV EE Responses - format does not change with Migration

<Document ... camt.052.001.06.xsd">

-- LHV UK Responses - offset will be included

<Document ... camt.052.001.06.xsd">

-- Responses from EE Host
# Response do not include offset information

<Document ... camt.052.001.06.xsd">

Agency Account Synchronization

Depending on customer's setup Agency Accounts can be synced either to LHV EE, LHV UK or both entities. To support different combinations we have added new optional Bank Codes element to the request. More info and details at Agency Account Synchronization.

Last updated